Where can I download the TANITA PRO app?
Tanita PRO app (for models MC-580 & MC-780*) is only available for iPad and Android tablets (not phones): Click here to download the Tanita PRO app fo...
Mon, 28 Mar, 2022 at 11:17 AM
iPad: How can I (re)connect MC-580(M) to TANITA PRO app?
- First download the TANITA PRO app from Apple App store, or run the update. Create an account and create a client profile. - Open the Bluetooth settings m...
Thu, 29 Aug, 2024 at 3:54 PM
What settings to change in MC-580(M) to connect with the PRO app?
In the MC-580(M) you need to put change two settings to allow it to communicate with your tablet or iPad via the internal Bluetooth transmitter. This is ho...
Tue, 23 May, 2023 at 10:46 AM
Android: How can I (re)connect MC-580(M) to TANITA PRO app?
- First download the TANITA PRO app from the Google Play store, or run the update. Create an account and create a client profile. - Enable Bluetooth and Lo...
Thu, 29 Aug, 2024 at 4:18 PM